6 Module Stern
6 Module Stern

Stern aus 6 Modulen 

Merry Christmas - Entrancedoor 2013
Merry Christmas - Entrancedoor 2013

Merry Christmas

Entrancedoor 2013

Combination Paper Quilling

with Bascetta Stars


Schneeflocken - Stern - gold
Schneeflocken - Stern - gold

nachfolgend noch einige Bilder Weihnachtsdeko

mit Bascetta - Sternen

im Set

oder beleuchtet

oder als Mobile 

rot - goldene - Bascetta - Sterne
rot - goldene - Bascetta - Sterne
Bascetta Sterne lila - anthrazit
Bascetta Sterne lila - anthrazit
grosser beleuchteter Bascetta Stern
grosser beleuchteter Bascetta Stern
Bascetta Stern beleuchtet
Bascetta Stern beleuchtet
rot-blaue Bascetta Sterne
rot-blaue Bascetta Sterne
Bascetta-Stern- Mobile
Bascetta-Stern- Mobile
X-Mastree for the Entrancedoor
X-Mastree for the Entrancedoor


for the Entrancedoor

with Bascetta Stars

in Combination with little Paper quilled Orangements

High 120 cm 

Bascetta - Star
Bascetta - Star

Bascetta - Star

blue - red  


Bascetta - Star
Bascetta - Star

Bascetta Star

blue - yellow 


Origami - Star - Wreath
Origami - Star - Wreath

Origami Star - Wreath

Origami Paper Star yellow
Origami Paper Star yellow

Origami 8 Modules Star

8 Modules blue - red - silver
8 Modules blue - red - silver

another one in blue - red - silver sparkle

mixed colors
mixed colors

another one in mixed colors

Origami 5 Modules Stars in different colors
Origami 5 Modules Stars in different colors

Origami 5 Modules Stars in different Colors

Origami 5 Modules Star in silver blue
Origami 5 Modules Star in silver blue

Origami 5 Modules Star 

Kusudama Star
Kusudama Star

Kusudama - Star 

silver with blue Sparkle